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Lets Talk Grass

George Wright Farms has had turf grown on its land since 2002, and the land-base has produced a premium quality product for various high grade applications. 

Since 2018, George and James took the decision to look for a new market after a few turbulent potato years and decided to sow their first turf crop. In March 2020 the Trebro TSR turf harvester arrived and are now officially lifting turf for Wright Turf Ltd.

If you require premium landscaping turf for any upcoming projects then visit or click the link below...

The website offers a number of guides on turf laying, the preparation required beforehand as well as their clients projects, showcasing how the turf has been used! 

GWF Landscaping Turf

  • Our general landscaping turf is comprised of a rich mix of 8-cultivars including perennial ryegrass, chewing fescue and creeping red fescue, all selected to create a hard wearing lawn suitable for the harsh daily traffic of most gardens.

  • Our turf can take up to 18 months to produce where its management is tailered to ensure it is at optimun condition for harvesting.

  • We cut our turf into 1 metre square rolls (167cm x 60cm), which are then stacked onto pallets holding up to 80 rolls. We lift to order and specific delivery requirements.

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